Keto Chips – A Good Idea?

Keto Chips – A Good Idea?

People who love snacking might feel there are less options while on a keto-diet; especially for that time of the day when you feel the urge to munch on something, between your lunch and dinner.

So, what are you counting on these days? Mere salads and keto-bars are not going to keep you interested for a long time if those are the only choices you have in your mind; and anything you opt for needs to fit in the low-carb diet always.

How about Keto-chips?

Yes, it’s the long-awaited snack, that you only dream of now. Eating chips was so easy at one time. Just grab a packet or two, and go munching while watching a movie, your favorite series, working or partying. But we aren’t talking about the chips that are available in the market. We talk – Keto chips here!

Have you checked on the keto-friendly chips yet? If not, we have good information and some nice recipes to try out. Also, these are going to be fresh and healthy. What better can you expect your snack to give you, than letting you feel the guilt-free indulgence over something you can forever lean on!

Replacing Food

We all know that keto-dieting can be a little challenging, for the kind of restricted plan one needs to follow. No, it doesn’t have to be so depressing. Keto-diet is about cutting down on carbs and filling in fats, so pick your choice of healthy alternatives with low-carb, high-fat and replicate what you like eating the most.

How to add chips?

We haven’t forgotten about that yet. We had to tell you that every food is replaceable, provided you are open to integration. Make yourself a small bowl of keto-friendly chips, made from many low-carb items like radish, cheese, cucumber, zucchini, kale, spinach, coconut, cabbage, pork rind, etc.

Bring in all that you eat for keto, and see what wonders you are going to create in your very own kitchen.

What Are Chips and Why Aren’t They Low Carb-Friendly?

Potato chips are the first ones to hit us when we call chips, and then we have tortilla chips, equally tempting and a wonderful snack along with dips. These sound great for a non-keto dieter, however, for the followers, it’s essential to know that both are higher on carbs and not keto-friendly. To add more, these chips go through different processes, where they are treated chemically for enriched color and are fried in vegetable or canola oil, used commonly for processed foods (the later having major negative effects on the heart, blood, liver, and kidney as well).

If you are not worrying about it yet, you might like to know that 1 ounce of potato chips gives you about 15g carbs and 10g fat (not total saturated fats).

Are Keto Chips Low in Carbs?

We are focusing a lot on making the keto-diet interesting and variant. The sole reason behind it is to make the journey less disappointing for you because we understand that the transformation can be irksome at times. Hence, sharing new recipes, giving out information on the nutritional values and helping you understand the do’s and don’ts is the whole agenda.

So, let’s be practical

keto-chips aren’t going to be just how you thought (yummy potato chips or Doritos), No!

These will be different in taste, texture and looks; but we assure you that these are keto-friendly, and you can count on them any time of the day. These chips will be low in carbs, and diversely tasty too.

We would call you even luckier if you can find an organic store that sells out keto-chips! But if you know of none in your city, you’ll get more ideas here, on how to make your snack at home.

What Chips Can You Eat on the Keto Diet?

Like we mentioned above, there are many low-carb options you can consider for your keto-chips. Pick few and try out making them for a start if you like the taste, great! If not, try another one!

Radish Chips

Apart from being low on carb alternative to potato chips, radish can provide you with many nutrients like, potassium, vitamin B, vitamin C, manganese, and folate, that detoxifies your blood, promoting better health, great skin, improved heart health and weight loss at the same time. Why not try it for good?

Here is what you need to do to get yourself a small bowl of radish chips.


      • Preheat your oven to 375°F
      • Wash the radish and slice it into thin chips
      • Spread a parchment paper over a baking sheet and then place the chips on it
      • Spray oil lightly over the chips and then sprinkle salt & pepper too
      • Bake this in the oven for about 10 minutes, take it out, turn them upside down and bake for another 6-10 minutes
      • Once they seem crispy, take them out of the oven and keep aside to cool

A cup of sliced radish has an only 2g net carb and zero fat. Isn’t that just perfect?

Cheese Chips

Keto Cheese Chips

Cheese on a keto-diet is an advantage, really. At least you have something to rely on when you need to either top your salad, use as a dip or spread it over your regular meal. But, have you come across these amazing cheese chips ever?

With high-fat and low-carb content, cheese makes perfect chips for a keto-dieter. In fact, an ounce of this delicious crunchy snack will give you 6g saturated fat and less than 0.5g carb! Along with that, you will also receive a bunch of goodness from these chips, like important vitamins, zinc, calcium, and phosphorus.

Try these out and thank the creator later.


      • Preheat your oven to 400°F
      • Line the baking sheet with parchment paper and carefully place the cheese slices on them (you can also cut them into shapes you like)
      • Bake these for 8-10 minutes, making sure occasionally that they don’t burn

There! You have your gorgeous looking cheese chips, totally keto-friendly and great as a snack.

Cucumber Chips

Keto Cucumber Chips

Over salad or just like that, cucumbers are so much healthy. Also, it gives you enough vitamins, manganese, potassium, and magnesium. With less than 2g carb in a serving, you can make this one ideal snack for you, every time a cucumber is seen lying in the refrigerator.

All you will need to do is exactly what you do for a salad, slice ‘em up!


    • Preheat your oven to 170°F
    • Use a kitchen towel to dry the moisture from over the cucumber
    • Line the baking sheet with parchment paper and place the cucumber slices over it
    • Bake them low & slow for 3 hours

Kale Chips

Keto Kale Chips

A green leafy vegetable like kale is majorly known for its anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that help the body defeat many diseases. Kale makes great salads and are pretty loved by many. Also, it’s ideal on a keto-list because it provides only 2g carbs and less than 1g fat in a serving of one cup.

It is low on carb. Hence, it is one amazing veggie to add in the list of chips. Try making these at home and start munching already!


    • Preheat your oven to 350°F
    • Line the baking sheet with parchment paper and keep aside
    • Remove thick stems from the leaves and tear the leaves into a size that you like
    • Bake them for about 10-15 minutes, till the edges of the leaves turn brown and look crunchy enough. Don’t burn them

These were quick and easily available recipes for you to make amazing keto-friendly chips, from the available items in your kitchen. Below we will be sharing more recipes on how to make incredible keto-chips. Some you’ll love to try right away.

Keto Tortilla Chips

Keto Tortilla Chips

Contrary to the above statement, we would like to add tortilla to this list. No, this is going to be a keto-friendly tortilla recipe, so you won’t feel bad about eating them.

These chips are going to taste just like your favorite tortilla chips but will be gluten-free and low-carb; plus, no wheat and no corns.


    • 2 cups of Mozzarella cheese (shredded)
    • Two tbsp psyllium husk
    • ¾ cup of Almond flour (powdered)
    • Salt (as per your liking)
    • ¼ tsp onion powder (optional)
    • ¼ tsp garlic powder (optional)
    • ¼ tsp paprika (optional)


    • Heat your oven to 356°F
    • Take a non-stick saucepan and gently heat the cheese, while stirring constantly
    • Mix almond flour, spices, psyllium husk, and salt in the melted cheese and stir for a dough like the combination, and then knead it until it’s smooth
    • Dice the dough into two balls and roll them as thin as possible, between two sheets of parchment paper to avoid sticking on the rolling pin
    • Use a pizza cutter to cut-out triangle shaped of this flattened dough and spread them over the baking sheet, with enough space for them to stay untouched from each other
    • Bake these for about 8 minutes or till the edges turn brown (also, the thickness of the tortilla chips will decide how much time you’ll need to bake them)

You have your bowl of freshly baked home-made tortilla chips. Devour!

Almond Butter Cabbage Chips

Almond Butter Cabbage Chips

Another great ingredient for a keto-salad, cucumber makes it to the list without an effort. With just about 5g of net carb and almost zero fat, this leafy veggie is apt to include in anything you want.

The kale recipe was simple and had not much to experiment with. However, you can try adding almond butter as a twist to the keto-chips’ idea. Also, this recipe will make a lot of chips, so you can store them in the refrigerator and munch on them later, or even share (if you can).


    • 900g Cabbage (cut into pieces)
    • Four tbsp Almond butter
    • One tbsp Coconut amino
    • Four tbsp Avocado oil
    • One tbsp Fish sauce
    • Two tbsp Hemp seeds


    • Keeping the cabbage aside, mix everything else in a large bowl
    • Whip it to form a nice and smooth paste (you can add water to the mixture if you think it’s too thick, but make sure to keep the pasty texture intact)
    • Take the cabbage leaves and coat them with the paste thoroughly
    • Keep them in the dehydrator for at least 6 hours at 145°F. These should be dry and crispy by then
    • You can store these chips in an airtight container and consume them within three days

Cinnamon Coconut Chips

Cinnamon Coconut Chips

While leafy veggies make great chips (as you’ve already read), coconut is not stepping back either. With the natural richness that coconut carries, cinnamon just adds to the flavor taking the nutty delight to another level.

Coconut chips are wonderful healthy snacks for keto-dieter, and even those who aren’t won’t deny taking a bite… no, several bites in fact. However, the carb content could be a little on the higher side, therefore, making sure not to overeat is recommended.

Making these amazing cinnamon coconut chips is super easy and consumes only about 5 minutes!


  • 1 and ½ cups of Coconut flakes
  • One tsp Cinnamon


  • Preheat your oven to 325°F
  • Take a baking sheet and spread the coconut flakes. Sprinkle the cinnamon powder over the flakes
  • Place the sheet in the oven and bake it for 5 minutes, turning them upside down occasionally, so they don’t burn and bake thoroughly
  • Once they look golden brown in color, remove it and let it cool

Keto Exogenous Ketones


Though keto-chips might not replace the taste of those nicely packed potato chips or the tortilla chips, yet, you are never going to regret consuming them. And above that, you’ll find so many recipes to try for a new keto-chips’ idea.

People share new ways of making keto-meals or snacks interesting, because of the limited options available for the dieters, and you’ll never get bored of trying them too.

If you’re worrying about more options for a snack while on a keto-diet, worry not, you have several ways of making your snacks faultlessly ketogenic, and tasty too.

For instance, Fat-bombs that you can create yourself at home using either peanut or almond butter. Then we have Pork rinds for non-vegetarians, that is made of pork skin; Low carb tuna pickle, Guacamole as dips, Canned Sardines, Low carb onion rings, Peanut butter barks, Keto mug bread, Zucchini chips, Chia Seed puddings, Mixed nuts, Beef Jerky, Pumpkin seeds, and many, many more.

If you have forgotten eggs, let’s remind you that boiled eggs too make amazing snacks. Just boil them in the morning and eat them whenever you feel the pangs hitting in, or whenever you are bored. They are easily available, cheap and generally in the kitchen stock as well.

What more do you need?

If you want more variation, try checking out delicious recipes online. Make the most of your keto-diet program.

Happy munching!



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