Keto Breakfast

Keto Breakfast

Waking up every morning and not having enough time for breakfast? Or thinking of grabbing a quick meal from a food-joint that falls on the way? No. That doesn’t fit in.


Breakfast is said to be the most crucial meal of the day especially for people who are undergoing Ketosis. Reason being, it starts with breaking the fast you were on, the entire night post dinner. Skipping a meal so important is equal to starving yourself, just because you don’t have time. While doing so, you keep your body from utilizing the morning energy, and then slug away later throughout the day, craving for more calories.

Why is it Important to Avoid Missing Your Breakfast?

Here are few valid reasons to consider before depriving your body from the most important meal of the day:

Kick-Starting the Day

Our body understands a simple logic about energy; it can produce it only when it receives food! When you wake up in the morning, after all the routine-bound activities, the next thing to do is eat! Eating breakfast lets the body retain the goodness inside and produce energy to jumpstart the day. The first meal of the day needs to be healthy, even if you prefer it to be light and easy. You are going to consume something after so many hours, so it needs to be decent!

Appetite Supervision

Now imagine not eating in the morning or say just after an hour of waking up. You are out of your house for work or college and then suddenly, the next hour you start feeling hungry and you don’t really find a healthy spot to grab a meal. What do you do? You’ll simply take whatever is available; from snack bars to muffins or sandwiches to burgers. So, you are only stacking calories inside your body. Nope; that’s not good for you.

Mood Lift

Are you cranky in the morning at times? Do you feel like nobody should talk to you, at least for few hours? You might say, you aren’t accustomed to waking up early, and this one day is terrible. But honestly, try eating a healthy breakfast within an hour of waking up and see yourself being jolly throughout the day (of course unless you have reasons to be grumpy)!


When you skip a meal, you a bound to start feeling hungry. Whether you want to be reminded of not, your body will do the job just right. If your college or job life starts from 9 am and you have already missed your breakfast, staying away till you can sneak-out for a quick munch can get you thinking about food all the time.

Relieve yourself from that misery and just eat!


For a person who is following a Keto-Diet, adhering to certain food related rules, is essential. Morning breakfast being one from the book of rules, skipping it, is never a great idea.


If you can provide your body with fuel on time, it will not crave for anything that is not in your Keto-diet list. But, missing on breakfast might lead to unnecessary craving, for sweet or starchy items.

keto healthy breakfast

Eating a Healthy Breakfast – Keto-Diet

A Keto-diet comprises of a low-carb diet plan, encouraging the body to burn fat using the fat that is being consumed. Lowering carb intake for a long time will change the way a body works. In due course, the glycogen level becomes less in the body, helping the liver to produce ketones (made up of our body fat) for energy.


While on a keto-diet, it’s important to make sure you aren’t skipping your breakfast. And, eating healthy, with low-carb and high-fat is a prime motive. But have you ever heard of the bullet-proof coffee? Yes, we are having something as such for your morning menu. If you are bored of eating the same things every morning with little variation, try this bullet-proof coffee to jumpstart your keto-day.

What is a Bullet-proof Coffee?

What if we told you that this coffee is an ideal way to start a day, bringing in more energy to you, keeping you focused throughout the day and helping your brain to function quite effectively? You’d be more curious.


The ingredient to this mug of coffee is very simple and easily available – Coffee, Coconut oil, and Butter. You might want to add in keto-friendly sweetener, if you really want. The amount of fat that it pushes down your body keeps you feeling full for many hours.


The ideal way to make a mug full of bullet-proof coffee is by brewing the coffee first, straining it, and then blending it in high-speed along with butter and coconut oil.

If you are a non-keto dieter

You might be struggling with weight or fat loss and have tried many things to work on that. We suggest you make your breakfast healthier and include dietary-fat to keep your metabolism active.


Keeping your carb intake low in the morning will allow your body to use fat for quick energy that it needs. You can compensate the carbs later in the day.

What can you eat?

Mornings for a non-keto dieter can be filled with Fresh Veggies, Fish with high-fat content, Eggs, Nuts that are rich in omega 3, Avocados and even full-fat Yoghurt.

What Can I Eat for Breakfast on a Keto Diet?

Running short of ideas to make your meals interesting is a drag. We know that. So, here are few recipes that will help you fill your belly and at the same time keep you full for a long time.

Ground Beef and Cauliflower

One decent plate of something you can rely on for a quick breakfast.


    • 1 Cauliflower (small head, grated)
    • 4 Eggs (large)
    • 450g ground Beef
    • ½ Onion (finely chopped)
    • 2 cloves of Garlic (finely chopped)
    • ½ tsp. Black pepper (fresh crushed)
    • 1 tbsp. Coconut sauce
    • 1 tsp. Fish Sauce
    • 1 tsp. Cumin (ground)
    • 4 Jalapeno (sliced)
    • ¼ cup of Sunflower seeds’ butter
    • ½ Avocado (ripe and diced)
    • 1 tbsp. of Apple cider
    • 1 tbsp. Parsley (finely chopped)
    • ½ cup of water
    • 1 tsp. Salt (Himalayan)
    • ½ cup Mayo
    • 2 tbsp. Clarified Butter
    • ½ cup of Water


    1. Use a heavy skillet and heat it over the stove on medium-high. When it’s hot, add the clarified butter to the skillet
    2. Add onion, garlic and jalapeno, and soften them by cooking for about 2-3 minutes
    3. Next, add the ground beef along with salt and pepper for seasoning. Cook this till the beef turns brown in colour.
    4. Reduce the flame and add cauliflower. Keep stirring and cooking for about another 2-3 minutes
    5. Meanwhile, whisk the sunflower seed butter, fish sauce, coconut sauce, cumin, mayo and water, well enough to create a nice consistency
    6. Pour this over the cooking skillet and mix well. Cook it for another 4-5 minutes. Then, turn off the stove and keep the skillet aside
    7. Make some space over the meat mixture, and crack each egg inside the spaces
    8. Once done, broil the skillet in the over for at least 8 minutes
    9. By that time, you can mix the apple cider with mayo and pour it over the skillet when out
    10. Lastly, garnish it with the parsley and avocado before spooning it out on your plate.

Broccoli Muffins

broccoli muffins keto

Wondering how did muffin make it to this breakfast list? Well you see, there is more to a keto-breakfast than just the normal book you are holding on to. Here is a delicious mould of broccoli muffin, with only about 5g carbs! Too good to accept that it’s for real.


    • 1 cup of broccoli (finely chopped)
    • 2 cups of Almond flour
    • 2 Eggs (large)
    • 1 cup almond milk (unsweetened)
    • 2 tsp. Yeast (nutritional)
    • 1 tsp. baking powder
    • 2 tsp. Clarified butter
    • ½ tsp. Salt (sea salt preferably)


    1. Preheat your oven to 350°F, and start greasing your muffin plate
    2. Combine rest all ingredients in a mixing bowl, well enough
    3. Carefully scoop out the mixture and place it one by one in the muffin digs
    4. Place it in the oven and bake these for about 30 minutes
    5. You can check the muffin by inserting a toothpick. If it comes out clean, your muffins are ready to eat.

Avocado and Salmon

keto Avocado Salmon

Avocados and Salmons are great fat alternatives. Getting to combine both for a morning breakfast will be a treat. Just grab them, from your refrigerator and make a plate in no time at all; honestly, it barely takes 5 minutes.


    • 1 Avocado (ripe)
    • 60g Salmon (smoked)
    • 1 Lemon (juice)
    • 30g Goat cheese (soft)
    • 1/3 tsp. salt (sea)
    • 2 tbsp. Extra virgin Olive oil


    • Cut the Avocado and de-seed it. Keep it aside
    • Coarsely grind the rest in a food processor and stuff the hollow in the avocado with this mix

Can I Eat Oatmeal on a Keto Diet?

Oatmeal Keto Diet

For people who were used to making a small bowl of porridge for their morning breakfast, skipping Oats is a turn-off. Oatmeal is high in carb and cannot fit in the Keto-diet that one is following. However, a low-carb oatmeal is what people are switching to these days. And what more can you ask for, when it saves you so much time in the morning.


This easy recipe will make you happy about the fact that you won’t miss eating porridge anymore!


    • 1 cup of Almond milk (unsweetened)
    • 1 tsp. of Flax-meal
    • 1 tbsp. of Coconut-flakes
    • 1 tbsp. of Chia-seeds
    • ½ cup of Hemp-hearts
    • 1 tsp. of Cinnamon (powder)
    • 1 tbsp. Coconut oil with added low-calorie sweetener


      1. Take a sauce pan and combine everything together. And then, mix well
      2. Put it on stove and keep stirring occasionally on simmer
      3. Once done, keep it aside for some time and then garnish with your choice of nuts or berries

With this recipe in your breakfast menu, you’ll consume about 44g Fat and 17g carbohydrates.

How about Eggs?

They are cheap and easily available item and are healthy after all. Before you buy an egg, check if these are cage-farmed or organic ones.

What’s the difference?

Unlike the organic ones, caged chickens go through a pathetic living condition and are injected with hormones to promote fast growth. These aren’t as healthy as the organic eggs.


If you can find organic eggs, there is nothing better than these little powerhouses for a morning start-up.

Top Low-Carb Egg Breakfasts

Here are few more recipes for you using eggs. These are easy, hassle-free and low-carb (majorly), so there is no way you are compromising on the taste.

Breakfast Eggs

As easy as it sounds, making breakfast eggs is cake walk.


    • 3 Eggs (large)
    • 1 tbsp. of Butter
    • 1 tbsp. of Coconut oil


    1. On a frying pan, add the coconut oil
    2. Once it heats, crack the eggs and let it cook for about 2 minutes
    3. Add butter over this and cook as per your liking

Bacon and Eggs

keto Bacon Eggs

If you’re up early and want to make a nice full-place breakfast, try the Bacon and eggs recipe that serves two people. It won’t take a lot of time though; however, you might think that anything that requires cooking is not helpful in the morning. But when you know that you’ll save so many hunger pangs and cravings throughout the day, you might give this a second thought.


    • 140g Bacon
    • 4 Eggs (large)
    • 2 Avocados (de-seeded)
    • 1 Bell Pepper (green preferably)
    • 2 tbsp. Walnut (cracked)
    • 2 tbsp. Butter (for frying)
    • 1 tbsp. Spring onions (finely chopped)
    • 26g Lettuce (arugula) – for serving
    • 2 tbsp. Olive Oil – For serving


    • Add butter to the pan on medium heat, and then fry the bacon. Once done, take them off and keep aside
    • In the same oil and bacon fat, fry the eggs over medium to low flame
    • Prepare a nice plate with all the ingredients as per you liking
    • You can drizzle any remaining fat from the pan over your plate

Keto MCT Oil Powder


Baked Eggs

This is one perfect breakfast for anyone who would love to eat less variety in a plate but would also want a little more than just eggs. Moreover, it’s totally baked, so you won’t even have to spend a lot of time making it; plus, you can utilize your left-over meat too!


Just turn your oven On and, go do your stuff. You’ll have your breakfast ready in 15 minutes!


    • 85g Beef (ground; pork or lamb too would work just fine)
    • 2 Eggs (large)
    • 56g Cheese (as per your keto-list – shredded)


    1. When you have everything ready, preheat your oven to 400°F
    2. Prepare a baking dish by spreading the ground beef. Make some holes for the eggs to sit, and then crack them into those holes
    3. Grate the cheese over the mixture
    4. Plate the baking plate in the oven for about 15 minutes
    5. Keep it aside to cool and then serve with anything you want

Egg and Spinach Frittata

This one recipe is to go gaga over. The amazing blend of spinach, eggs, veggies and bacon looks like a small world in a plate. Here is an easy recipe for you to try out for your Keto-Breakfast.


    • 35g Bacon (diced)
    • 56g Spinach (fresh)
    • 2 Eggs (large)
    • 35g Cheese (shredded)
    • ½ tbsp. of Butter (for frying)
    • ¼ cup of Whipped cream (heavy)
    • Salt and Pepper to taste


    1. Preheat your oven to 350°F
    2. Put a put on the stove and fry the bacon in butter until you see a crispy texture. Add the Spinach and let it lose water. Take it off the stove and keep this aside
    3. Grease a baking dish. Put both eggs and cream in a bowl and whisk nicely, then pour it into the dish
    4. Add the spinach and bacon as well over this and place it inside the oven. Let this bake for 20-25 minutes, till you see a golden-brown colour on the top of the frittata

With the given recipes, you have much to add in your breakfast menu now. Check out more from the share recipes and discover new ways of making your first meals of the day, interesting. Skipping it is not going to be an option anymore, given the time you’ll need to prepare a plate.


At least making yourself a delicious mug-filled bullet-proof coffee and carrying it along with you, sipping while on your way, is an add on. Don’t forget that!



Keto Egg Muffins
Keto Diet Plan


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