Best Recipes for Making Keto Peanut Butter

Best Recipes for Making Keto Peanut Butter

We all love and have used peanut butter as a diet-friendly alternative to butter and cream cheese. While you can eat peanut butter on a low-carb, paleo, or a low-calorie diet, many people avoid it on keto because the carbs don’t adjust.

The energy bomb is not a modern invention but date backs to the 14th century. Aztecs of the Mesoamerican culture ground peanuts and used the paste for various reasons and one of them was nutrition. They also used it to relieve a toothache by applying a blob of peanut butter on the tooth.

Marcellus Gilmore Edson takes the credit for the modern-day invention of peanut in 1884. He kept milling roasted peanuts until they developed a liquid-like consistency. Edson patented the recipe and the procedure. The next person to patent his very own process of making peanut butter was John Harvey Kellogg in 1895. He is Kellogg’s founder’s, Will Keith Kellogg, brother.

Both the brothers were health activists and introduced their invention in hospitals because of peanut butter’s easy digestive abilities. Even though peanuts weren’t expensive back then, it was marketed as a healthy food and sold at a costlier rate. The peanut butter was crunchy and had an uneven texture. It was only after 18 years that Dr Ambrose Straub, who worked in Kellogg’s made the first peanut butter machine. The result was a silky, smooth peanut butter, which is exactly like what we consume today. After getting successful results, Straub started his own company. We all know it as Skippy today.

Can You Eat Peanut Butter on Keto?

One serving of peanut butter is a healthy two tablespoons or 32 grams and contains 8 grams of carbs, 7 grams of protein, and 16 grams of fat. It contains 2 grams of dietary fiber and is a rich source of plant protein.  

75 percent of the calories come from fat, making it a great snack option for those who are on a ketogenic diet. Also, 2 grams of carbs is fiber, so you are only consuming 6 grams of carbs per serving. On a keto diet, you can consume up to 50 grams of net carbs in a day, so consuming peanut butter as a snack alone or with celery sticks and cucumber, will keep you well within the limit.

Also, peanut and peanut butter are a rich source of Vitamin E, bioactive components like phytosterols and resveratrol, potassium, and magnesium. Those who eat peanut butter on a regular basis tend to consume of a complex to nutrients that aren’t easily available in other dietary sources. A study by Penn State revealed that people who eat peanuts and peanut butter regularly follow higher quality diets compared to those who don’t.

If you are on a standard ketogenic diet and have a few extra carbs to spare by the end of the day, scoop a spoonful of peanut butter and eat it as a treat. If you are close to the limit, avoid eating peanut butter because it will disrupt the ketosis process. On the other hand, if you are on a targeted keto diet or a cyclical keto diet, you have the allowance to consume some extra carbs before and after a workout or on particular days. You can take advantage of the opportunity and add peanut butter to your smoothies or consume it directly.

Since it is dense, people often tend to overindulge, which takes away the keto-friendly characteristic from it. One of the things most people on a keto diet struggle with is the quantity of peanut butter they can consume in a day. There are a lot of factors that influence the amounts.

Most of the peanut butter brands available in the market add hydrogenated fat to their products. These are artificial trans-fat that can cause serious damage to several body organs. It can cause increased low-density lipoprotein levels (also known as bad cholesterol), lower HDL cholesterol (also known as good cholesterol), increased inflammation and free radicals in the body, and a higher risk of cancer and cardiovascular disorders. Read the labels carefully before making the choice. It is best to choose an all organic and natural brand because they don’t add preservatives.

Other factors consider is the type of peanut butter. The crunchy variant has more calories than smooth peanut butter as it contains two grams less saturated fat and two grams more fiber, which makes it heavier. If you are making a smoothie with the peanut butter, you should use the smooth one because it has a uniform consistency. On the other hand, crunchy peanut butter is a better choice when you are consuming it directly.

Coming back to the question, to get the correct amount, the cut level of peanut butter on a tablespoon so that you avoid the extra calories. Two tablespoons make one serving but if you don’t have many carbs left and still crave some peanut butter, you can have one tablespoon. It will contain 3 grams of net carbs, 4 grams of protein, and 8 grams of fat.

Is Peanut Butter High in Carbs?

Peanut butter is not high in carbs and is easy to make a part of your ketogenic diet. If you feel that the brands selling peanut butter still contain too much sugar and preservatives for your liking, you can make peanut butter at home.

If you exercise daily, it gives you a little bit more freedom to consume higher quantities of peanut. However, you should know that the American Dietary Association advises to not consume more than 20 percent of your daily calories from peanut butter. It is a common misconception that peanut butter increases weight, but it is exactly the opposite.

The vegan option contains a lot of fat that makes you feel satiated, so you are less likely to binge eat. A study by Department of Nutrition at Loma Linda University concluded that regularly consuming high amounts of nut helps in decreasing metabolic syndrome. Another study by Harvard School of Public Health mentioned that women who consume nuts are less likely to gain weight compared to women who don’t.

When you consume nuts, it prolongs the release of glucose into the circulatory system. The consistent supply keeps your energy levels up and away from high-carb foods.

What is the Best Peanut Butter for a Keto Diet?

There are several brands that offer low-carb alternatives. Stay away from them because they replace the fat with sugar, which is not something you should consume on a keto diet. The best peanut butter for keto diet is the one that you make at home.

Technology has gifted us with the right kind of equipment to make it. You don’t need a lot of ingredients or much time and attention to make it. Here’s how you can make your very own peanut butter at home.

Homemade Peanut Butter
    1. Roast two cups of peanuts until they look toasty. Keep stirring them every five to 10 minutes. Set them aside to cool down.
    2. Throw the peanuts into the food processor and turn it on. Let the grinding process go on uninterrupted for five minutes. You will see the consistency turn from solid to crumbly to crunchy semi-liquid to a smooth paste. Switch off the processor and use the spatula to take off the peanut butter from the sides. Add a pinch of salt for taste.
    3. You can add a spoonful of honey or sugar, but it is best you avoid it.
    4. Turn on the food processor for another two minutes.


Once you feel that you have achieved the consistency you want, switch off the processor, and transfer it into an airtight glass container. Always store homemade peanut butter in the refrigerator because it doesn’t have any preservatives. The cold temperature will keep the fat from getting rancid. It will stay good for up to two months, so make in quantities that you and your family within the expiry date.

Keto Recipes with Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is very versatile, and you can make it a part of many keto recipes. People on keto diet are always looking new recipes that keeps them motivated to continue the diet.

Let’s look at some keto recipes you can make with peanut butter:

1. Keto Peanut Butter Cups

Keto Peanut Butter Cups

For this recipe, you will need:

      • Sugar-free chocolate - 120 grams
      • Butter - 100 grams
      • Peanut butter - 4 tbsp
      • Salt - according to taste
      • Cupcake molds and tray


      1. Melt the chocolate using a double broiler or in the microwave. Place cupcake molds into the tray.
      2. Pour chocolate in the mold and put it in the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes.
      3. Add 1 tsp peanut butter on frozen chocolate and wait for it to solidify.
      4. Pour molten chocolate to cover it completely. Stick it in the freezer for another 10 minutes. Sprinkle salt over the peanut butter chocolate cups to add a touch of saltiness.


One serving will contain 284 calories of energy, 28.3 grams of fat, 4.5 grams of carbs, and 4 grams of protein.

2. Peanut Butter Fat Bombs

Peanut Butter Fat Bombs

For this recipe, you will need:

      • Peanut butter - 4 tbsp
      • Almond flour - ¼ cup
      • Heavy cream - 2 tbsp
      • Coconut flour - 1 tbsp
      • Shredded coconut - 1 tbsp


      1. Mix all ingredients other than shredded coconut together in a bowl.
      2. Roll the mixture into small, bite-sized balls and chill it for 10 minutes in the refrigerator.
      3. Take the balls out and roll them in shredded coconut. Keep them back in the refrigerator and eat one whenever you crave something nutty and sweet.


One serving of peanut butter fat bombs contains 74 calories of energy, which comes from 6 grams of fat, 1 gram of carbs, and 2 grams of protein.

3. Keto Peanut Butter Fudge

Keto Peanut Butter Fudge

For this recipe, you will need:

      • Peanut butter - ½ cup
      • Cocoa powder - ¼ cup
      • Stevia - ½ cup
      • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
      • Refined coconut oil - ¾ cup
      • 8 x 8 pan


      1. Mix all ingredients together in a big bowl. You can use a hand mixer or wooden spoon for it.
      2. Line the pan with parchment paper.
      3. Pour the mixture into the pan and level it uniformly.
      4. Stick in the freezer for 20 to 25 minutes.
      5. Cut into small, bite-sized pieces and eat them frozen.


One serving of keto peanut butter fudge contains 89 calories. It contains 8 grams of fat, 1 gram of carbs, and two grams of protein.

4. Keto Peanut Butter Pudding

Keto Peanut Butter Pudding

For this recipe, you will need:

      • Unsweetened cashew milk - one cup
      • Natural peanut butter - ¼ cup
      • Stevia - ¼ cup
      • Vanilla extract - 2 tsp
      • Gelatin powder - 1 tsp


      1. Mix unsweetened cashew milk, stevia, vanilla extract, and peanut butter in a saucepan and heat it over medium heat until the butter melts completely.
      2. Mix gelatin in half cup of cool water and let it sit for one minute.
      3. Add to the peanut butter mix and keep stirring.


You can either pour into a tray or multiple small bowls. Keep it in the refrigerator. Serve cold. One serving of keto peanut butter pudding has 140 calories of energy, 9.5 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of carbs, and 6 grams of protein.

5. Low-Carb Peanut Butter Pie

peanut butter pie

For this recipe, you will need:


    • Almond flour - ½ cup
    • Cocoa powder - 3 tbsp
    • Stevia - 1½ tbsp
    • Melted butter - ½ cup


    • Cream cheese - 500 grams
    • Vanilla - 1 tbsp
    • Heavy whipping cream - ¾ cup

Chocolate syrup:

    • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp
    • Stevia - 1 tbsp
    • Water - 2 tbsp


      1. Mix all crust ingredients together and press the mixture well into a greased pan.
      2. Add softened cream cheese into a bowl and mix it with stevia, vanilla extract, and peanut butter.
      3. Add heavy whipping cream and beat it with a hand mixer until the mixture thickens.
      4. Pour it into the crusted pan and level it equally. Stick it in the refrigerator for three to four hours.
      5. Add all chocolate syrup ingredients into a saucepan until the whole mixture comes together.
      6. Take it off heat and place it on the kitchen countertop to cool for 30 minutes.


Cut the pie into eight pieces and serve with chocolate syrup drizzle. Store the leftover syrup in your refrigerator. One serving of low-carb peanut butter pie contains 372 calories of energy, 34 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbs, and 6 grams of protein.



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